The Next Generation of Possibility

在生产力、机动性和勘探方面设计新的能力. 加入正规的赌博app,站在发明和想象的最前沿.



Go Beyond Human Limits in Cutting-Edge Robotics Programs

从帮助包装食品和组装汽车到探索海洋深处和在月球表面导航, robotics is now an integral part of our lives — and our future. Mimicking human behavior but offering unique abilities, 机器人已经帮助我们完成了曾经看起来遥不可及的事情.

如果你想知道机器人是如何在幕后工作的,以及像火星探测车这样的进步, self-driving cars, and aerial drones are exciting to you, learning robotics could be the next step toward your career.

What is Robotics?

Science and Engineering Meet Computer Science and AI

Robotics is a field of engineering dedicated to designing, producing, operating, 改进机器人——具有人类能力或特征的智能机器. Robotics programs encompass several disciplines: mechanical, electrical, computer, industrial and manufacturing engineering, computer science, system design, and data analysis. As a robotics student, you’ll also study computer vision, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality.

机器人正在各行各业创造新的可能性:它们是装配线的重要组成部分, they help defend military personnel in combat, and they even assist in surgeries. 人们发现机器人收割庄稼,自动化仓库,执行搜索和救援任务. 而早期的机器人大多是重复的应用,主要局限于汽车行业的制造, 今天的复杂机器人更加自主,可以协助餐饮服务和运输. For example, Domino’s and Nuro recently tested a self-driving pizza delivery robot.

Why Learn Robotics?

Exercise Creativity—And Help Solve Problems

无论你是想发明新东西还是改进现有技术, 机器人项目让你能够活出你对创造力的热情,并应对商业挑战, people or countries face. 机器人课程教你如何将自己的优势应用于科学, 数学和计算机科学来设计机器,改善我们的生活和工作.

Pursue a Wide Range of Careers 

因为它们是跨学科的,适用于无数的环境, robotics programs prepare you for numerous careers. Work on self-driving semi fleets. Program the “brain” behind the stunt bot for an action movie. Design the controls for a robotic home assistant. Learning robotics helps you work toward these roles and others, combining mechanical, electrical and computer engineering concepts.

Robotics Careers

机器人领域不断发展,对机器如何工作感兴趣的学生充满了可能性, AI, programming and technology. Check out some of the top careers in robotics listed below.

Robotics Engineer

为各种环境设计、组装、测试和重新配置机器人. 机器人工程师帮助将机器人的蓝图和设计变为现实, designing prototypes and simulating a robot’s functions. These engineers work in several industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, defense, agriculture, automotive and even aerospace. Explore Kettering’s B.S. in Engineering

Mechanical (or Hardware) Engineer 

Design and construct a robot’s physical structure, hardware and components, including joints, motors, gearboxes and other physical parts. 机械工程师在机器人生命的每个阶段都至关重要——他们负责建模, create, assemble and test both new and existing robotic systems. 职责还包括研究,与工程师团队合作和仿真.

Software Engineer

在幕后研究机器人的关键组成部分:它们的智能. 机器人程序的软件工程师排除故障并开发软件和技术应用程序,使机器人能够正常工作. 他们负责控制、软件集成和将设计转化为代码.

Programs for Students Interested in Learning Robotics

因为这个领域是多学科的,你可以在各种工程项目中学习机器人技术. 选择一个机器人专业可以让你专攻这个领域, 但你也将学习技能和概念,你可以在以下项目中应用于机器人职业生涯.

Engineer Your Future in Robotics

Learn Robotics Hands-on in the Lab

最好的机器人程序为你在课堂上学到的东西创造了应用的机会. 凯特林很自豪地为您提供设计、编程和测试最先进机器人的机会 research labs.


Battle Out Your Robotics Knowledge in Combat Robotics


Learn Practical Application in Kettering’s Robotics Courses 

在凯特林的机器人系统集中或相关的机器人程序, 您将专注于在虚拟现实等环境中实现机器人, artificial intelligence and energy storage.

Robotics News

Student’s Co-op with FIRST Robotics Founder is a ‘Dream’

Austin Schmitz (’22, 当他在DEKA Research开始他的Co-op时,他对FIRST Robotics的热爱达到了一个新的水平 & Development Corp. FIRST Robotics的创始人迪恩·卡门于1982年创办了这家总部位于新罕布什尔州的公司.


In January 2022, 17名凯特林学生参加了FIRST一年一度的三天机器人挑战赛,他们设计了一个机器人,可以参加2022年FIRST机器人竞赛(FRC)比赛, RAPID REACT. Kettering’s build was livestreamed during the 72 hours, 学生们回答了高中学生通过电子邮件或社交媒体评论或信息提交的问题.

The Robotic Alternative to Knee Replacement

凯特琳校友阿什利·斯沃茨(Ashley Swartz)致力于帮助人们行走. She is the team leader at Roam Robotics, 他们在哪里开发了一种可穿戴的机器人膝盖支架,可以帮助人们走路,甚至滑雪,而不会感到疼痛.


2022年9月,一千多名高中机器人学生涌向正规的赌博app的康妮和吉姆·约翰娱乐中心,参加两届凯特林开球锦标赛. 来自密歇根州的77支FIRST机器人竞赛(FRC)队伍, Ohio, Illinois and Pennsylvania participated in the 2022 FRC Game, RAPID REACT.

Program the Pepperoni, Boot-up the Barista

Kettering grad Shawn Lange ('01, ME and EE) and his company, Lab2Fab正在用机器人加速食品服务行业的未来, automation and artificial intelligence.


正规的赌博app通用汽车移动研究中心(MRC)的这条赛道得到了很多关注. 总部位于Grand blanc的CNXMotion将利用该设施向受邀嘉宾展示其最新的运动控制技术, including partner companies.

Engineer Your Future in Robotics

Are you interested in learning robotics? 今天就申请你感兴趣的课程信息或申请相关课程.